Friday, June 8, 2012

BBall and BBQ

I was never really into watching sports pre-college.. but I guessing going to a school in an area with strong loyalties to their sports teams, I got caught up in the hype. it was kinda lonely when everyone else was talking about their fantasy teams and such and even now in the work environment, most of the conversations around me are about sports (or technology) Going to school near the beantown, it was hard to cheer for anyone but the Celtics due to sheer mass of Boston fans congregated at the campus center on game night.  You would get dirty looks otherwise lol. Ever since then i've been following Allen, Rondo, KG, and Pierce like a fat kid would an ice cream truck.  (though i did root for the knicks as well with carmelo and lin when lin blew up). it's okay. CT is between NY and Boston so I can have contradicting loyalties :)

WIth the potential elimination game of the Heat vs. Celtics last night, i had to watch it with other people and not alone in the confines of my room. Decided to grab dinner and then watch the game with my friend M (though I came to find out he was an anti-Celtics fan which meant he was by default rooting for the Heat... boo...) but good times nonetheless :) until 4th quarter when i just went home and slept because i was getting depressed...  its okay because the awesome dinner and dessert beforehand balanced out the sadness that was the celtics losing.

Dinner was at a BBQ place called Joey C's in Milford.  heard it was good bbq so decided to try it out :)

AMAZING BBQ! :D M got the pulled pork platter with aztec fire roasted corn, mac & cheese, and corn bread.  Lots of food and everything was delish!! I kept eating off of M's plate :P

I got the beef brisket platter with sweet potato fries, aztec fire roasted corn, and corn bread.  I also got a Portuguese roll for 99cents to make myself a brisket sandwich. the brisket was just melt in your mouth yummy! sweet potato fries actually tasted like sweet potatoes (unlike other places where they either burn it or ruin it some other way). everything was so good and i had enough leftover to bring to lunch today :) yay!  

Joey C's
439 Boston Post Rd
Milford, CT 06460
(203) 301-3299

Dessert was at place called Rita's Italian Ice.  They have delicious custards and italian ices and you can mix the two together to make a heavenly concoction.  I got a Gelati which is a layer of custard topped with layer of italian ice topped with layer of custard again :) Coffee custard with swedish fish italian ice. i know it sounds gross but it was soooo good :D :D :D though i couldn't finish it because all that creaminess and all that sweetness it too much for my body to handle in one day. didn't take a picture of it because i forgot and started eating it right away. oops x_x i'll take a picture next time :)

Rita's Italian Ice
Germans Plaza
175 Boston Post Road
Milford, CT 06460

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