Friday, April 20, 2012

Gam Mee Ok

Bro being in hospital unexpectedly (another story at another time) led me to have to grab late night dinner with my mom and brother in new york.  It wasn't the weekend so we were worried there wouldn't be any good places open so late but never underestimate the koreans and their 24 hour joints :)

We went to this korean restaurant "gam mee ok" because we wanted to eat familiar foods especially after being all rattled up in a hospital for hours.  we judge korean restaurants harshly because we always say we can cook this and that better at home, but this place was actually really good!

The koreans love their kimchi, and everyone has their own way of making it and their own favorite flavor, but the kimchi for each table coming in its own urn and having it fermented to perfection (according to my taste buds) was very impressive.  Big jar of kimchi and even fermented radish that you slice up with scissors. yum :)

We ordered korean bbq but not cooking it at the table.  Cooked back in the kitchen over a bed of onions.  brought out to the table and cut for you into perfect bite size pieces for making... SSAM! (literally translated as wrap?)

Lettuce, rice (optional), meat, dwen-jang (soybean paste) or ssam-jang (mix of soybean paste and red pepper paste), raw garlic, other variety of veggies, all wrapped together and pop into your mouth! it's cute when significant others make one for each other and shove each others faces :D  it's usually funny because they want to put everything in it to make it taste really good but then it ends up being too big to actually eat without breaking their jaw..

gam mee ok is known for their sul-lung-tang, a traditional korean soup made from simmering ox-bones with noodles and rice.  usually seasoned with salt, pepper, scallions available at the table.  very good hangover/after drinking meal :)

Bibim naeng-myun is the spicy version of the regular naeng-myun which is a cold noodle soup made of buckwheat noodles served in broth.  we got the spicy, no broth version which is the bibim naeng-myun.  Spicy, cold, refreshing.  

Ended the meal with the complimentary green tea ice cream. DELICIOUS!! i usually enjoy green tea ice cream but most places make it too sweet and you lose the green tea flavor.  the ice cream i had here was amazing! people may think im weird but i loved this green tea ice cream because it wasn't sweet, it was bitter. so bitter and tasted exactly like green tea should taste.  it even came with little pieces of mochi! 

now i want some green tea ice cream with all this nice weather outside... :(

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